
Use Cases

Precise latitude and longitude information can be obtained for specific addresses.

Geocoding is a mechanism that converts addresses into latitude and longitude location information (e.g. address “2 Honkomagome, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo” yields a latitude of 35.728287834526 and a longitude of 139.74869610784).
Reverse geocoding (reverse address lookup conversion) converts location information (latitude and longitude) into address information.
We can provide solutions to add location information to your facility data.

For those who have the following needs


We want to convert addresses into latitude and longitude in order to display address data on our properties on a map.

GeoTechnologies offers...

Using a variety of address databases and map information development tools enables you to build a geocoding tool that obtains latitude and longitude information from address strings, such as “XX go, XX banchi, XX chome, XX cho, XX shi”.

We want to perform geocoding but cannot build a tool. We will pass you a list, so please convert it for us.

GeoTechnologies offers...

We offer a service where we will add latitude and longitude information to large address data lists provided by customers.

For details, please contact us.

We develop tools that generate driving reports automatically.
We already have the latitude and longitude of trucks’ via points and resting places, but need actual addresses.

GeoTechnologies offers...

We can execute reverse geocode from latitude and longitude information (latitude 35.728..., longitude 139.748...) and provide applicable address information, such as “... XX cho, XX-shi, XX Pref.”.